Tuesday, February 3, 2009

live together, die alone

I have recently come to the conclusion that I, in fact, do not have a life. No, I'm not being dramatic, nor am I particularly upset about this knowledge. My life is empty and boring. I go to school. I come home. Wash, rinse, repeat. The very best part of my day, the moment I look forward to the most, happens after I get home. I watch TV. I watch a lot of TV. Lost. Grey's Anatomy. 90210. Heroes. One Tree Hill. Gossip Girl. Fringe. Smallville. American Idol. And those are just the shows that are airing now. I have previous relationships with The O.C., Buffy, Alias, Friends, Boy Meets World,Dawson's Creek, etc. The longest relationship I have ever had is not with another person. It's with primetime television. I'm addicted. Literally. I have a problem. Some of these shows aren't even good! I mean really!

Maybe I'm isolating myself from other people. Maybe I've lost faith in the human race or something. I'd just much rather spend hours in front of the TV, getting lost in bizzare plotlines and crazy love triangles. Because quite frankly, most episodes are much more exciting than my own life. Which is very unexciting as of late. But whatever. I don't really have anything to complain about. Except that I'm a douche bag who screwed things up with my best friend. But hey, whaddya gonna do?

I think that maybe I'm just waiting on something to happen. I bought a treadmill and I'm working out. I'm getting a breast reduction in March. Prom's in April. Graduation's in May. Senior Trip after that. Then I guess I have to go to college.

But more importantly: I love Simon Cowell. What's going to happen with Dan and that teacher? Is Lucas's movie going to turn out okay? Thank God Silver and Dixon are okay. I totally get why she can't just tell him she loves him. I hate Nathan Petrelli. When the hell are Peter and Olivia just going get together for crying out loud? I mean, I get that J.J. Abrams does that show, but really man. Give us a damn break already. How much longer are McDreamy and Meredith going to be happy? Probably not long. I do so hope that McSteamy stays with Little Grey though. And for crying out loud Meredith and Christina need to stop fighting! Who cares who got the solo surgery!? Why the hell is Lana still here? Where is Lois? Clark & Lois 4eva! Who does Kate love? Jack? Sawyer? Herself? I'm pulling for Sawyer. But hey, I also thought Harry and Hermione were meant for one another.


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