Friday, February 20, 2009

"Everyone's convinced sooner or later, Jack."

At this point in my week I think I'm going to make it my ritual to discuss the various tv episodes of the week. I may go into detail, I may not. But every week, one show shall emerge victorious over all the others. Let us begin.

Heroes: This week on heroes saw Claire finally growing a backbone and defying HRG's wishes. Yes, that's right folks, Claire told her (fake) pops to shove it. She also told her (fake) mom that old HRG wasn't being honest with his shnookums. This resulted in HRG being thrown out of the house where he goes to bar to drown his sorrows. But wait! HRG's been drugged and the FUGITIVES have captured him! Also, the mom from One Tree Hill and the voice of Nala is now on Nathan's team. Plus, ultra fine new boy Alex and Tracy/Nikki/Jessica kicking some ASS while being held captive by the Heroes Nazis. I'll give this one a B+ just because HRG finally got his.

LOST: This week on Lost we finally, finally got what we've all been waiting for: the epic return of the Oceanic 6 to The Island. Thank God. We learn that the only way our guys can get back to The Island is to get on board an Ajira (hello? that water bottle when we were jumping through time?) Airlines flight to Guam at which point our guys will pass through a "window" and bam! end up back on the island. But, it has to be ALL of them, and they have to recreate as much as possible from the first time. We began with Jack, Ben, and Dead Locke being the only ones who wanted to go back. Then Ben was all "Jin is alive." and Sun was in. However, Hurley would rather be in jail than go anywhere with Ben, Sayid pretty much told everyone to eff off, and Kate wasn't hearing it. So, Jack is told by that Mysterious Old Woman that he has to give Dead Locke something of his daddy's. He goes to his grandfather and gets his dad's shoes and puts them on Locke. Ben calls and says Jack's gonna have to take care of Locke cuz Ben's been beaten to a bloody pulp. But wait! Is that Kate in Jack's apartment? Yes it is! And she's going to the island but not with Aaron (who you don't ask about or she won't give you any). Now we're at the airport where: Jack, Kate and Sun are all checking in. But wait! Hurley's here! We don't know how or why but he is and he's buying a whole lot of tickets on that flight. Also, Sayid mysteriously shows up, handcuffed, and with a woman we don't know. Next, whenever everyone is seated, Ben shows up just in time! And just when you think you can't take anymore, freaking Helicopter Flying Guy is the freaking pilot of the freaking plane! And then, like magic, Jack is shown blinking awake in a scene reminscent of the very first scene in the very first episode, except this time, he is reborn. He is now Jack, The Man of Faith. And he saves Hurley and uses his healing hands on Kate and then they look up to see....JIN! in a Dharma Van wearing Dharma clothes!

THEORIES: I think that Kate has some inside scoop on what motivated everyone to return to The Island. ("We're all on the same plane, but we're not together.") Also, Jack's grandpa? I don't think he's Jack's grandpa. I think HE'S JACK.

A+ for finally giving us what we've wanted since Jack's shout, "We have to go BACK!!"

Grey's: This episode was both excellent and terrible at the same time. First off let me say, I LOVE ADDISON. Why did she have to leave? I don't think anyone will ever convince me that Private Practice was worth it. It just isn't fair. The scene with McDreamy and Addison and their little "Drop the scalpel" showdown was excellent. And Meredith! Oh, my! McDreamy and Addison fight over the patient and patient's in-belly fetus and which one should live. Derrick thinks he can save patient by cutting lots of her brain out, Addison is like "She'll die, let me save the baby" and I have to say that I agree with her. I don't know much about being a brain surgeon, but cutting out hunks of someone's brain doesn't seem like such a good idea. Addison calls in help from Mer who tells Der that he just needs to chill, Der doesn't listen and Addison calls in the Chief. Der gives up, Addi wins, patient dies, baby lives. You'd think that would be it but NO! Patient's husband tells Der "You killed my wife. You're a murderer." which makes everyone look at Der with pity. Then, McSteamy chooses this terrible moment to tell Der that he's sleeping with Lil Grey. They proceed to beat the ever-loving hell out of each other. It. Was. Hot.

Also going on we have Christina insulting Faye Dunaway about her surgery skills and Hunt taking Christina's side secretly. He then tells her that she was wrong but that he wants to be around when she's 40.

The Dumbest Interns In The World mixed up a patient's blood with Izzie's blood and it turns out Izzie might have cancer. Huh.

George walked with Izzie to The Happy Place.

A, because the moment Arizona skated in on her wheelie shoes, I laughed til I cried.

THE WINNER IS: Lost. I like sexy man fights and hate HRG, but dudes. They went back to The Island. Come on.

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