Thursday, March 5, 2009

Hit me baby. Just one more time.

Tonight I shall fulfill my lifelong dream of seeing Britney Spears in concert. I have wished and hoped for this day throughout most of my childhood. When I was younger, I WORSHIPPED her. I had Britney shirts, Britney hats, Britney CDs, Britney lunchboxes. I was a smaller, much simpler, much happier, version of the person I am now and I wanted to be Britney Spears.

However, I must admit that I was disillusioned. I would rather die than have that kind of pressure on me now. Like Britney, I would positively crack under the pressure. I think this is why I still loved her when she was crazy. I mean, who wouldn't go freaking crazy if you had her life? Really? So what if she went to the bathroom without shoes on? Who hasn't done that? And, I have often found myself wishing that I didn't have hair. So what if Britney actually did it? Two semi-marriages and two children later, she still kicks ass. Everyone makes mistakes people. Seriously.

While on the topic of disillusionment I must also admit to another quite large mistake I have made. I'm going to the concert with a group of friends that I've known for quite a while now. I love them, I really do. Recently, me and (pretty much the only sane one of the group) Callie had a discussion regarding the past and the people we know. I realized that my opinion of those people was based fully and what I believed to be true. Not fact, but my interpretation of events. However, like Britney, I have realized that maybe what I thought was fan-freaking-tastic, really just sucks. Maybe, the people you think you know aren't all that and a bag of Dharma chips. Maybe, they're really not at all anything like someone you would like. And if so, who are the people that I created that have my friend's face but are actually completely different? Do they exist at all? Or did I just pull the blindfold over my eyes and see something that wasn't there at all? In any case, I'm highly disappointed in myself. But hey, people make mistakes.

Anyway, I will be doomed to ponder the answers to these questions whilst speeding through Atlanta traffic trying to find a parking place, and later listening to the sounds of my childhood with entirely too much of Britney's new stuff thrown in. Nothing's ever as good as the origninal, is it?

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