Saturday, January 31, 2009

"perhaps we all give the best of our hearts uncritically...

to those who hardly think about us in return." -T.H. White

No matter what you do, no matter how hard you work at something, there will always come a day when you are found wanting. A day when you are told (or realize for yourself) that you failed at something. That you let someone down. That you almost did but gave up at the very end. Is it in our nature to fail? Are human beings at their very core doomed to never reach their full potential? I don't think so. I think that every one of us has the ability to be the best person we can be. Maybe failure really isn't an option. Maybe some of us really can succeed. I think that maybe the reason we all feel inadequate, or not good enough, or worthless is probably because of other people. Maybe we all give the very best of ourselves to people who don't seem to notice or care. Maybe we CAN reach our absolute best possible moment, but the only ones who witness it forget about it, or decide to look instead at our flaws rather than our greatest accomplishment. Maybe failure isn't the end, maybe its the beginning.

And maybe one day, someone will recognize the best of our hearts when they see it. And maybe, just maybe, they'll show us the best of their heart too.

Until then, it seems, no matter how great a friend you are at some point, its your flaws and mistakes that people really remember. Not any of the times that you gave them the absolute best of you. The sad truth is that maybe these people, the ones who only see your faults, maybe they aren't the ones you should really waste your heart on. Or maybe you're the one at fault and you really just aren't worth the trouble.

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