Friday, January 30, 2009

this is the way the world ends

Xbox Live will be the end of the world. Not terrorism, not drugs, not (gasp) socialism. Oh no, it will be Xbox Live. What a piece of crap. I don't understand it nor do I care to, but for some reason this abomination has taken over my house. It came as a shock to me when I discovered that 99.9% of the male population plays Xbox Live. They all play. Maybe its because I'm a chick or whatever, but I just do not understand this phenomenon. I mean, really. It's a game for crying out loud.

In other news, I have recently come to the conclusion that Lost is in fact one of the greatest shows in the history of great shows. It's got everything. Mystery, unresolved sexual tension, mystery, giant man-eating polar bears, mystery, secret underground hatches, mystery, hot and sexy people, mystery, and most importantly, a whole lotta drama. I just love it. Much, much more than some of the other assy shows that either began as a pile of dung or have recently gone down the toilet. Alas, I haven't the time to discuss the flaws of each and every television show at the moment. Maybe some other time.

1 comment:

  1. LOST is addicting. did you ever get the live to work?
