Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Day the World Went Away

So, I graduated High School. It was a truly wonderful experience. Our class spent our last hour together in the Library and I really felt like everyone was going to miss someone there. It was like the years of stress and drama didn't really matter because for that one hour, we all felt the same thing. It sounds cheesy but I really felt like everyone connected or something. Throughout the ceremony, I got to thinking about the last four years and everything that has happened and I can honestly say that I have no regrets. I can look back fondly on high school and know that even the lowest moment taught me something. I love my classmates, even though I hate some of them. I love my teachers, even though they could be real bitches. I loved high school, I really did. Maybe that makes me one of those people but I don't care. Anyway, you couldn't make me go back for all the money in the world. College, here I come!

The senior trip was everything I hoped it would be. A tiny bit of drama, but whatever. I don't regret getting a tattoo even though I was a tad drunk at the time. Speaking of, almost dying of alcohol poisoning taught me a valuable lesson: I don't want to be one of those girls. I don't want to party and drink all of the time. Sure, I'm gonna have a good time and probably drink on occasion, but I don't want to be like...those girls. But, it was fun. You're supposed to be wasted on your senior trip. I also felt like I grew a lot closer to everyone who went on the cruise. There were like no boundaries between us for a while and I hope it stays that way. I wouldn't have done one thing differently, except maybe buying more Kalik in the Bahamas. I don't care what you say, that shit is boss.

Seeing my old friends graduate really took me back. Their parents were all really happy to see me, I took loads of pictures, and we were exactly where we were 18 years ago. Of course, we've all changed. Taylor is like dating this dude now, which is weird because she was always the one with all of the sense who stayed away from boys. Bailey is older and wiser than she used to be, but ever the idealist. She always sees the good in people and always thinks that she will have her fairytale ending. Hogan is dating this bitchtastic slut that Bailey pretends to be friends with. Whatever, they will sort this thing out and end up together like I always knew they would. And I will become a minister and marry their asses.

I am currently being a bum. My life consists of watching The Hills, reading the books that have been piling up since the 10th grade when I stopped having time to read for pleasure, and avoiding writing my thank you notes. I got my shots for college but it still seems like I have a million things to do to get ready for the next great adventure. But meantime, I have to start reading, finish The Hills, and watch all of the amazing summer movies coming out.

(Note: "The Day the World Went Away" is by Nine Inch Nails and is featured in the trailer for Terminator Salvation, my new favorite movie.)

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