Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Time is Running Out

Do you ever get that feeling like something bad is going to happen? Like somebody somewhere is pissed at you and they're just waiting for the right time to blow up in your face? I feel like that. It's probably irrational and probably a little paranoid but I do feel like that.

Currently I'm in Texas not doing a damn thing. It's been a pretty relaxing trip. People have been cooking me food and mixing me drinks all week. I've been tanning and swimming and shopping nonstop, which seems like a pretty accurate description of my whole summer. I have yet to do anything worthwhile except going to SOAR. Those thank-you notes remain empty. Whatever.

Somehow, I always end up in screwed up situations. Like somehow or another I'm THAT person. I don't know. Maybe some part of me is responsible for this. Who knows? I think that I could possibly be a terrible hypocrite and possibly a psychopath. My family thinks I'm a selfish bitch. I made a quiz on the Face about myself and no one can pass. I need to pay for a lot of shit and I don't have enough money. I wish that I was younger and everyone would smile at how cute I was and buy me everything I needed and even when someone was really angry with you they wouldn't be angry for long because you're a kid.

When you're a kid, you aren't responsible for anything. When you're a kid you can do whatever you want. I always used to want to grow up as fast as possible. I longed to be in middle school, couldn't wait to be 16 to get a car and was absolutely thrilled to be a legal adult. Now I just feel like that sand in hourglasses. You can't stop it and no matter how hard you try, you fall everytime.

Life really is like an hourglass glued to the table.

(Note: "Time is Running Out" is a song by Muse)

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