Saturday, June 6, 2009


So I've been watching The Hills nonstop lately and I've realized something. On the outside, The Hills looks like a fake reality show about a bunch a rich people going to clubs and causing drama. However, The Hills is more than that. The Hills can teach us much about life.

Lesson #1: You should always have good nails. The people on this show always have excellently manicured or painted nails. It just makes them look even more put together. I mean, everyone has time to use a little nail polish.

Lesson #2: If your boyfriend as a real D-bag to your friends, its probably a sign that he might actually be a real D-bag. Hello? Spencer is a sad pathetic little shit and yet he brainwashes Heidi into losing all of her friends.

Lesson #3: If you let your boyfriend control your life, you are a dipshit. I mean really. How's that worked out for anyone?

Lesson #4: You should always, always, always say exactly what you feel. If everyone was a little more upfront about their feelings, regardless of the potential consequences, things would be so much easier.

Lesson #5: "Truth and time tells all." Justin Bobby may be disgusting and an asshole, but the man can be wise.

Lesson #6: "Always dress nicer than you think you should." Being overdressed is always better than looking like the slob of the bunch.

Lesson #7: "Love is not a maybe thing. You know when you love somebody." Its true, even though sometimes it really sucks. Well spoken, Lauren Conrad.

Lesson #8: Never, ever turn down a trip to Paris. Even if your boyfriend will potentially get super bitchy or find a new girlfriend with bigger boobs while you're away.

Lesson #9: You should visit home on occasion or else you might go a tad insane. Everyone needs a dose of normalcy every now and again.

Lesson #10: It is never a good idea to have platinum blonde hair. Period. Ever.

The amazing thing, is that these very informative and helpful lessons are only the tip of the iceburg when it comes to this show. I could go on forever, but I'm late for a date with my pals to see The Hangover. Yay!
(Note: Unwritten is the theme song of The Hills by Natasha Bedingfield or something.)

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