Saturday, August 8, 2009

It's Alright, It's Okay

I've decided that perhaps it is not best for me to be around mens whilst intoxicated. It is also not a good idea for me to blindly drink the little shooters that people keep handing me. This often leads to me not remembering completely the evening before and therefore having to recollect memories that most of the time aren't good ones. I don't know why I got so drunk, only that I did. And apparently, I'm not complaining. I mean, what's a little kissing between friends right? Everyone's been there at least once. But currently, I just feel gross in regards to recent happenings. I mean seriously, Bekah? Really? Did that seem like the best idea? No. It did not.

In other news, Imma need to pack my shit today and all this coming up week. Not the happiest way to spend your day. I'm terribly excited about moving out but at the same time, I'm kinda sad. I mean, I've only lived in my Mom's house for 4 years and my Dad's for 2ish. My room at my Dad's was always meant for Ryan after I move out but I'm kinda sad to see it go. My room at my Mom's is being turned into Rachael's new abode and her room will no doubt be a storage room for the shit I'm not taking with me....or a work out room. How cliche. So, I will not have a room of my own at either of my parental's houses. WTF? I mean, what am I supposed to do? This thing I've got going on is really starting to seem permanent and actually happening. I don't know if I like it. I really freaking don't know.

How am I going to decide which books to bring? I have too many. And what about my map of the world? I love my map of the world. I have to bring it. I'll make room. I need to get more picture frames. I'm going to miss everyone. What am I going to do without them? Why can't they come with? Why do we all have to go off to other places? I don't know how to function without my brother and sister. We're a unit. Three Rs. Bekah, Rachael, and Ryan. Me and Callie aren't going to be able to live without our homies. We're going to force people to come visit us and be driving all over the world to Athens for those bitches, to Columbus for some cheerleading, to the mountains for some softball. I'm not going to be at Tigers on the Town this year. I'm gonna have to work really hard to be home for everyone's Senior Night. I'm going to stretch myself so thin, I already see it.

I am totally ready for this, and I'm totally unprepared. I should have just gone to G State or something and lived at 133 Nora Court with my homie. We could have been roomates and I could have been everywhere. Of course, I've never been a fan of J Town. And I love Georgia Southern. And I have to be a good roomate to Callie or she'll bitch me out.

I just want to watch some Grey's and listen to some jams to get my mind off all this shizz. But alas, I'm going to go search for some cardboard boxes and picture frames.

"You know as well as I do it's not about what you look like, or your job, or how successful you are. It's about having people in your life that you love and who love you... that's all that matters." -Miranda Bailey
(Grey's Anatomy, Season 3, Episode 4)

(Note: Ashley Tisdale, "It's Alright, It's Okay" get some of that bizness.)

1 comment:

  1. there is always room at 133 nora court for you even though you totally just hated on j town!!! i love you so much. :)
