Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Have A Little Faith In Me

Forgive me Blog, for I have sinned. It has been entirely too long since my last post. Please forgive me. I've been busy with this whole college thing. I know its no excuse because I had plenty of time to add 45 songs to my iTunes and to watch Season 1 of Gossip Girl, but I digress. I have 5 major topics I want to discuss and I need to get on that.

1. The Iroquois Indians.

I've decided that I want to live with these (now extinct thanks to...oh yeah us) peeps. They treated women with incredibly high regard seeing as how everything was passed down through a matrilineal system and the women were the "neck of the family" whereas the man was the head. Get it? Haha. Plus, they didn't believe in private property; everyone shared everyone else's profits. The Iroquois Confederation was actually an awesome little government before the Europeans came along and stomped those homies in the ground with a little smallpox, syphilis, and a little thing I like to call genocide, but again, I digress.

2. Electronic Waste

I'm pretty pissed off about this E-waste issue. For those of you who don't know, lots of major countries send all of their used PCs, DVD players, TVs, and other electronics out of their country and into countries like Ghana, China, Japan, etc. You know the things you think you're recycling? Like ink cartridges? Yeah, little cute black babies use those things for teething toys. It does wonders for their health. Plus, adolescents living in China melt computer circuit boards down for the little tiny specks of gold so maybe they can buy something to wear to school, while unknowingly poisoning themselves with lead. It's all very lovely. As per usual, the so-called "world powers" do nothing. P.S., I found out my ecological footprint is 5.8. I'm sure it's not good but it ain't as bad as the United States whopping 9.6.

3. College

I love college. Yeah. I love drinking. Yeah. I love Callie. Yeah. Man, I love college. But seriously, this shit is boss. Why didn't I come here earlier? People actually want to learn things here. I don't really like a whole ton of people but I've never been a people person. I've got Callie, and T Sims, and Tay Jones, and a bunch of other peeps I used to know. So that's good. Plus, Bailey and her whole clan are like, right down the road. My room is awesome but no, I will not upload pictures on Facebook. Me and Callie cook and T Sims comes over all the time. It's pretty sweet. We go home when we feel like and avoid the flu of swine on a daily basis, like a boss.

4. Home

Me, Callie, and Taylor have gone home once already and are planning another trip this weekend. We all carpool the entire 4 hours it takes to get home and along the way we learn a lot about it each other, but even more about ourselves. Ha. Seriously, I think driving back and forth might be the most fun ever. I enjoy driving and listening to music and flirting with Taylor though so why wouldn't it be fun? I got to see lots of people this past weekend that I love sooooooo much. Had a little too much fun in downtown Athens. And once again, I've gotta say, those people who say its impossible to stay in touch with your high school friends in college, are full of shit. Like they say "If you love someone, let them go. If they come back, they're yours forever." Well, I know a lot of people who've come back and btw, I love you too.

5. Remember the Titans.

If there is a person alive on this earth who hasn't seen this movie, then shame on you. It's a majestic film that teaches us all a very valuable lesson: people are capable of extraordinary things. Whether it be changing what you've always believed or letting a teammate play for you because you know he's better, this movie shows the goodness of the human spirit. You can see it in the way they bridged the color gap and became more than a football team. It's a movie about love, and friendship, and teamwork, and family, and change. It's a movie that never fails to give me hope when I'm feeling down. In the words of Coach Yoast: "You make them remember....forever...the night they played the Titans!" I'm pretty sure anyone who sees it will remember.

In conclusion, I leave you with my quote of the week:

"It would be childish of us to deny that our lives weren't changing. But for this night, none of us were going anywhere. That's the thing about really good friends." -Carrie, Sex And The City

(Note: "Have A Little Faith In Me" by Joe Cocker)

1 comment:

  1. I remember those damn Titans! We had to go dumpster diving for them when my genius mother threw that movie away. But it was definitely worth it.
