Friday, August 28, 2009

I'll Be There

They say home is where the heart is, and I guess that's pretty accurate. There's nothing I love more than getting back home and finding everyone happy to see me. Everything isn't always the way I left it (for example, the house next door to mine has sod now) and the new high school always looks a tad closer to being done, but it's still the same for me. I love college, don't get me wrong and I enjoy being here but, at home, palmetto bugs don't crawl into bed with me while I'm sleeping and I don't have to do my own laundry. That being said, I'm about an hour away from take-off and I'm in a really good mood so I decided to blog about it.

I'm excited about this weekend. I plan on having a good time and maybe getting my party on at some point. I miss my friends. I want to hang out with all of them without causing a nuclear war. I also want to see some of those hoes that are still kicking it at the CHS. Commerce vs. Jefferson tonight will really bring back some memories. My sister is wearing my old football jersey to the game tonight. Sometimes, I ferociously miss high school and how easy everything was. At the time, it didn't seem easy or necessarily awesome but looking back, it was simple. Sure, we had drama (I myself am apparently a huge fan of drama) but in the end everything was aight. Going back home, sometimes I'm just hit by all of the things we all did together.

Like the time me, Callie, Anna-Marie, and Andrea played at Spencer Park in the middle of the night. Or the time we painted the bridge and me and Cal pissed on that bitch. Or the time the softball team finally beat Jefferson 1-0. Or the time Jessie called Callie's stuffed dog Benijah and played with her all the way home. The time me and Rachael decided to drive all the way to Helen just to get those rings and maybe a funnel cake. The first time we all got drunk at Anna-Marie's. The time me and Callie almost got arrested for hanging out at Tanger waiting on Andrea to get off work. The time I peed myself at the Jefferson game after we all got into a bitch fight with a crazy senorita. The time we rode in the Angie's stang and Jamie gave me and Courney lap dances. The time Hamp and I stole lots of liquor from a person's house. "I LOVE THE BEEAACHH!!!" The time we rolled Alex Pace's house and had to hide in the ditch as cars drove by. The time we saw Britney Spears in concert. The many times we went to eat Inoko Express. The picture days, the field trips, prom, homecoming, gradutation, birthdays, breakups, makeups, everything.

I remember all of these times and I realize how much I love everyone and how much of a freaking softy I am. And thats when I know, that even if we don't talk for a month or two, when Anna-Marie's next man breaks her heart or when Colton wants an honest opinion about the next girl he likes, or when Andrew gets into trouble with everyone again, or when CBill beats the hell out of a mascot in Columbus, or J. Dove and C. Med need to get crazy, or when Callie needs me to push her into something she knows she wants to do, or when the softball team needs somebody to get on their ass, or when CJ needs me to tell her the Gods honest truth, I'll be there.

(Note: "I'll Be There" by the Jackson Five)

1 comment:

  1. I EFF-YOU-SEE-KAY-EYE-IN-GEE love you! Or when J-dove needs to tell you a scandalous story. God dang, I LOVE YOU!
