Wednesday, June 2, 2010

"Yes, you should move to Israel."

I'm beginning to think that Glee is taking over my life. Last night's episode "Funk" was not the best episode in the world, but it had some good moments. Although as a rule, I think Mr. Schuester should never try to seduce anyone again. It is very uncomfortable for me.

To the point, Glee is seeping into my dreams. I didn't even go to bed directly after Glee last night, because I had to stay up for Chelsea Lately of course, and I still had very Glee-like dreams/nightmares.

First, I was super pregnant and still in high school. This could also have to do with the fact that I watched Juno this weekend. Regardless, I was really hella preggers. It was awful. I literally dreamed that I gave birth. Eww. The baby was super cute, though. I wanted to name her Olive but Callie wouldn't let me because she said that was not good and I should name it something generic so it wouldn't mess up her monograms. Then we went to Olive Garden.

Next, I dreamed that Anna-Marie and I were in a very large chicken coop and we were pissed at each other. Apparently, AMH thought I did something to her paint which made all of her paintings disintegrate. So, we were battling it out in a chicken coop by throwing eggs at each other. Lots of eggs. And I'm scared of chickens so AMH is pretty much beating my ass cause I'm trying to avoid the chickens. And then I turn around and Big Bird is there and he cracks the biggest of the eggs directly on my forehead. I kid you not.

Then, as if that weren't enough, I dreamed that Jamie was dating Mr. Schuester and Courtney didn't like him because of the way he dances. And then Mr. Schue tried to seduce Courtney and Jamie found out and then they were in the chicken coop too. Except I wasn't there anymore, apparently this chicken coop has stands to sit in, so I was there with a big towel because I'm covered in egg. Anna-Marie is there and she's got a giant trophy for beating me in the coop, Callie is holding Olive but shaking her head in disapproval at the baby's monogram less bib, and Mr. Schuester is in a Cheerios uniform cheering for Jamie and Courtney.

Luckily, my alarm went off playing Total Eclipse of the Heart and I got out of this terrible nightmare before the chickens attacked.


  1. Hahahahahahahahaha. Oh. Dear God.
    I just order my copy of the Bree book on Amazon. Just saying.

  2. ordered. not order. I can conjugate verbs. Really, I can.
