Tuesday, April 13, 2010

We're All In The Dance

All I ever do is watch movies. I watch them all the time. Every spare second of my life, I'm thinking...104 minutes...can I fit this in before Government? Or, should I watch EVERY Katherine Hepburn film or just the ones that sound interesting? The answer, of course, is every one. Because anything with Kate Hepburn in it is interesting. She's known as the world's greatest actress for a reason, folks.

Recent watches: The Reader (A+), An Education (A+), The Queen (A), Alice Adams (A), How To Marry A Millionaire (A-), Monster (A), Smokey and the Bandit (B), La vie en Rose (A+), Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (A+), A Streetcar Named Desire (A), The Aviator (A)

Seriously though, people don't watch good movies these days. I mean, really. I'm upset about it. No one saw The Reader and it was nominated for an Academy Award in 08! It was fantastic. But since it didn't have explosions or Megan Fox it's just unacceptable. Whatever. Bring on the superhero movies.

LOST is depressing me. Only six hours left. Jesus.

WHY? OH WHY? did someone decide to place Glee in the 9:00 time slot on Tuesdays??? Do they not understand that Tuesday is LOST Day?? I blame you, American Idol.

Speaking of, I think it's high time we pull the plug. I mean, the only people who've ever been successful from American Idol are: Kelly Clarkson (B), Carrie Underwood (A), Jennifer Hudson (A+), and that Daughtry guy (whatever). Unless of course you count Clay Aiken, Ruben Studdard, Fantasia, David Cook/Archuleta, etc. as successful. I love Katherine McPhee but even I can see the truth.

I had a really really good time on Tybee with my mom and brother and sister and Callie. It was fun. We saw a lighthouse and a house that Miley Cyrus sat on one time. And we ate seafood and went on a ghost tour and watched shows about murder. And had a hellacious argument (again) about Harry Potter. Oh, and in case you're wondering, Wet Willies does in fact make the best daiquiris.

I made an 86 on my last Astronomy exam. Kiss my butt Interstellar Medium! Haha!

I'm going to see Taylor Swift in like, two weeks or something. It's going to rock. I don't care what you say.

This semester is almost over. Then I get a mini-break before Summer classes. Then it's summer and that means: Beach, Savannah, New Apartment, New Book Releases, Hanging With People I Love, etc. Yay!

Also, Marlon Brando is sexy. Damn.

"If you never do anything, you never become anyone." -An Education

(Note: "We're All In The Dance" by Fiest. Go download it. It's better than Usher's new song, I assure you.)

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