Friday, April 16, 2010


Glee has inspired me to write a new blog merely three days after my last confession. I love Glee. Even though it's all bright and shiny it still has meaning (unlike Sideways World). In case you live under a rock, Glee is about a Glee Club at some high school somewhere. I don't know how all these really amazing singers just so happen to go to the same high school but that's irrelevant. Anyway, everyone hates them and they're unpopular and people throw slushies in their face. Except for the cheerios (sent to spy for Sue Sylvester) and Finn and Puck (because they're on the football team), they're kind of popular.

Anyways, the Glee Club has: 2 asians (one with a fake stutter), a dude in a wheelchair, a gay guy on the football team, a pregnant chick, 2 Jews (one with two gay dads), a big black girl, a dumb blonde cheerleader, a slutty latina cheerleader, and that black guy that can dance.

A huge amount of diversity and they all get along. They all care about each other, even though sometimes they don't admit it. They're all in the same club, working toward the same goal. It's beautiful.

I wish that the world was actually like this. I wish that everyone everywhere accepted people for whatever they are. Like, it's okay if there's a Muslim on the Supreme Court or it's perfectly fine that my next door neighbor loves men. Sure, gay marriage, that's cool. You're sixteen and pregnant? Sure, you can get an abortion. Whatever. Nationalized health insurance so people with pre-existing conditions (like being in a wheelchair) can have insurance? Sure, thing.

After all, aren't we all in the same club? We're all Americans aren't we? It doesn't matter if you consider yourself to be African American, Asian American, Irish American, etc., there's still one thing in common with every one of those labels. They're all American.

So why should it be such a BFD if your taxes go up so that Artie can have wheelchair ramps installed in the auditorium? Why does it matter so much to you if Quinn wants an abortion so maybe she can finish high school? Her parents won't support her and last time I checked she doesn't have a place to live. Does it really affect your life so much if Kurt wants to get married to his boyfriend? Is it such a shame that we (allegedly) respect every religion in this country instead of having one national religion (Christianity, obviously) so that it's okay if Puck and Rachel celebrate Hanukah?

What's the big freaking deal?

People these days.


(Note: "Imagine" covered by Glee Cast. I so shouldn't have to tell you who originally sang it. Because then we wouldn't be friends. So if you don't know, Bing it. Seriously.)

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