Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Bitch of Living

There are too many notecards in my area. I could literally build a freaking house out of all these notecards. Also, what am I supposed to do with all of these notecards when I'm done using them to study? Maybe I should get a filing cabinet. I really really want one. A metal one so I can put jazzy magnets on it. Yeah...

My Government final is going to be deadly. It covers everything from public policy to political parties to voting behavior to elections to foreign and domestic policy and oh yeah, the freaking economy. The whole thing is interesting, no doubt. It's just that the more people teach me about these things, the more upset I get about the state of things. Don't even get me started. But I literally cried the other day because I am just so upset about who shitty things are. Just all over, ya know? So upsetting.

Also upsetting: the huge amount of info covered in my World History final. I mean, really. World War I all the way to like, today. That's a whole freaking century of info. IN EVERY CONTINENT. The mind reels. I love history. I think it is essential to know what's shaped the world into what it is today, and this time period is of particular importance because it actually affected or is affecting everyone. But, damn this test is a lot.

I'm not evening going to touch on Astronomy. I don't care. It's ridiculous. Except for Dark Matter and The Big Bang. That's mildly interesting.

Wednesday=Movie Night w/ Callie
Thursday=Chinese Foodie for Taylor's Bday. Shhh. It's a surprise.
Friday=TAYLOR SWIFT+Callie/Bekah+ 1 bottle of wine= :)
Saturday= Bailey's Birthday. But I don't get to see her because she's adamant about not spending time with me anymore. Hey, I miss you. K?

I'm also fairly sure I'm going to have to paint in my freaking basement AGAIN this weekend. How about some of you assholes help a sistah out, hmm? You'd think since I let your asses get super drunk on a regular basis you might want to hurry the process along so we can have a party. Just saying.

In other news, I am obsessed with the Spring Awakening soundtrack. I can't stop listening to it and I'm pissed that no one took me to NYC to see it when it was there.

"Man is born free, but everywhere he is in chains." -Jean Jacques Rousseau

(Note: "The Bitch of Living" from Spring Awakening. Go to iTunes and listen to the soundtrack. You'll be glad you did.)

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