Saturday, July 11, 2009

There Is A Light That Never Goes Out

Sometimes, I'm just too freaking tired to do it anymore.

Sometimes, I really just really freaking hate you to the point where I wish we'd never met.

Sometimes, I think you're full of shit.

Sometimes, I want to sit you down and tell you exactly what I think about your miserable excuse of a life.

Sometimes, I'm attracted to you.

Sometimes, I think I did it just so I could be near you. And sometimes, I think that's pathetic.

Sometimes, I know I made the right choice.

Sometimes, I resent you.

Sometimes, I really wish that you didn't exist. Like, ever.

Sometimes, I am so jealous of you I can't stand it.

Sometimes, I feel so alone. I don't like to feel alone. I'm a person who needs people. People are better than no people, right?

I'm stubborn. I dislike authority figures. I'm a good friend. I like to read books, lots of books. I don't open up to people very well and for good reason. The older I get, the more I see that you can't give your whole self to a person. I'm outgoing. I like to party. I'm impulsive. I'm up for just about anything. I like adventure. The thought of living a boring life scares me. I believe you have to go out there and live to truly be alive. I like the ocean when it isn't murky and gross. I love the feel of cold grass on my feet. I love to listen to music- all kinds of music. I like driving in my car completely alone except for the radio. I want to be able to trust people again. The list of people I truly trust is dwindling. I believe in magic and life on other planets. I think that if we hope hard enough, anything can happen. Money can't buy you happiness and sorrows know how to swim. I'm indecisive. It takes me forever to make a decision. I hate it when people manipulate me. I hate it when people underestimate me. My political views vary depending on the issue. I believe that people are destroying the Earth but I'm not an environmentalist. It just seems too trendy. Whenever I feel bad I like to either a) dance it out, b) cry, or c) drink tequila.

This is who I am...mostly. I don't care if you don't like it and I don't care if it offends you. I also don't give a shit if you want to continue riding your high freaking horse. Whatever. And I don't really have a reason for this, I just felt like bitching and I know that unlike everyone else on the planet, my blog listens and doesn't have it's own freaking opinions to share. Thank the gods.

(Note: The song is by The Smiths who are awesome and stuff. And in the picture, I feel like that girl in the corner, metaphorically speaking of course because I don't know how to tango very well. Only slightly.)

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