Friday, July 31, 2009

Shelter from the Storm

So it's finally time for that big change everyone keeps talking about. We're all going to college in the next few weeks, all going "our different ways" if you will. Surprisingly, it's kind of a nice feeling. I used to dread the fact that this time was coming so soon. I didn't want to lose any friends. What I've come to realize is that losing friends isn't a consequence of going to college or moving towns or any outside circumstances, really. The reason why people lose friends is because they decide to. We should all just stop blaming college, methinks. It's not higher education's fault. The friends we do lose touch with are merely victims of having fulfilled their purpose.

For example, I believe that people are thrown into our lives for a purpose. Some are there to help you through the most impossible time in your life. Some are there to teach you lessons. And some, some people are there for the long haul. You never really know which of your friends fall into which category until you know. That's just the way it works. Friendship is kind of like an onion that way. You keep peeling off layers as you go through different stages in your life until you get to the lucky (or unlucky) few that carry on to the next stage. Sometimes, though, people really freaking surprise you.

I love how, now that high school is over and we're all moving on, people are starting to reveal what they really think about everyone. It gets that way. Like after elementary school you weren't friends with everyone anymore, just your people. Frankly, I'm quite flattered that some people were only friends with me as long as it was convenient for them. Means I'm good for something. I'm a firm believer that everyone is actively using everyone else for something at some point. Whether it be social status, sex, or just for company. Why do you think some people even have friends in the first place? When it comes down to it, people are wholly selfish human beings. It's okay though, because everyone is pretty much upfront about that fact. I still believe though, that even though we're all looking out for numero uno, every once in a while people evolve. They become better people--people who aren't selfish at all. That's the goal, right? It's not attractive to be cynical all the time. You've gotta have hope. It's the thing with feathers after all.

I like to think I turned out okay. I don't really go to church regularly but everytime I visit my friend Bailey, her family usually gets me to go. I don't think I'm too terribly close-minded or ignorant. I'm not too trusting. Despite contrasting opinions, whenever I love someone, I love them with everything I have. Sometimes, I think it's my greatest flaw. I expect too much from people and am always shocked when they let me down. Although I'm sometimes a cynic and like to hide behind a tough outer shell, I'm a softie at heart. It's not really a good disguise because anyone who really knows me is aware that I'm really just a bumbling girl on the inside. I've dabbled in things I probably shouldn't have but hey, who hasn't? I'm not a hoochie mamma. I've only ever truly cared about one boy and despite everything, I like to view that relationship as real and pure. I've got some damn good friends and by God, I love those crazy bitches and those awesome dudes. You guys know who you are.

All in all, I couldn't be happier with the way this chapter ended. We had some good times these past four years. We've also had some bad ones. I think its safe to say, Commerce High School will never be the same...seeing as how they're tearing it down. Everyone's changed in some major way. But you know what they say, the more thing's change, the more they stay the same. I think I speak for everyone when I say, here's hoping.

(Note: "Shelter from the Storm" is a song by Bob Dylan, and yeah those are two roads diverged in a yellow wood. Shout out to my boy Robert Frost and my Class of 2009 homies. Definately a memorable graduation speech theme seeing as how we've all heard that poem a million times.)

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