Friday, July 24, 2009

Everything Is Not What It Seems

I think I finally understand the magic of children's television. And why everyone is so obsessed with Hannah Montana. And why more people watch the Disney Channel than the A&E.

Kids' TV is easy and simple and fun. In a world where everyone is obsessed with ruining their lives and making everyone miserable, easy little Disney Channel shows are awesome. I generally try to lose myself in emotionally charged shows like Grey's Anatomy and LOST. But sometimes, these shows are depressing and upsetting as real life. And yet despite near-death experiences, magical elevators, polar bears in the tropics, and ridiculously romantic love stories, Grey's and LOST are still believable. Watching kids' TV, everything is unbelievably happy and bright. There are no complex plot lines to decipher and no episodes that are so sad you wish you were dead. I'm not saying my Emmy winning shows aren't worth it anymore-far from it. I'm just saying sometimes, I need a little bright and shiny.

So, I'm off to finish watching The Wizards of Waverly Place marathon that I have been enjoying for several hours. And when I leave to go meet my friends, damned if I'm not popping in the Demi Lovato CD I just bought. My apologies to Regina Spektor who was previously dominating my radio.

(Note: Everything Is Not What It Seems is the theme song to The Wizards of Waverly Place and sung by Selena Gomez.)

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