Monday, December 6, 2010

"So, why did you leave Iowa?"

Spotted: Bekah Andrews once again procrastinating to the max. Should I be worried by the fact that I give such little thought to my school work? Probably. Am I? Negative.

What is currently occupying my thoughts are a number of things that are proving to be...troublesome.

1. I have not seen Black Swan yet. Granted, I did see 127 Hours because of this and it was AMAZING. I am still pissed. Luckily, with some heavy sleuthing I have discovered that the movie that will no doubt become one of my favorites ever will be playing in ATL at the AMC Phipps Theatre by no later than December 10th. I know. I'm excited too.

2. I feel that I am being very indecisive about a number of things. Like when you're a senior in high school and you can't decide what color your prom dress will be, who will be your date, will Steven be there, should you get drunk after, what if your bff's mom finds out, etc. Decisions need to be made or they pile up until you make a bunch of bad ones.

3. There are not enough hours in the day.

4. It is sooooooooo cold in my apartment that I haven't had a good, deep slumber in days. Thank God I went to Atlanta this past weekend because Colton's apartment was warm. If I had been forced to stay in this hellhole all weekend AND it was freezing there is no telling what I would have done.

5. I am thisclose to having my Christmas presents finished and wrapped. Some people are just so damn difficult to buy for, ya know? It bothers me that I have half a present sitting here, not finished, unwrapped and in my way.

6. I can't illegally download music in my apartment. Why? I don't know. I was going to do it at Colton's buy somebody didn't know the wifi password. Now I must go on campus. To the library of all things. I guess then I'll be forced to study a bit before my Anthropology final.

7. Tomorrow...or later today actually...I have many things to do. Two finals. And I need to sell my books and buy scantrons and run an errand for my aunt and go talk to some lady at some gym about giving me a job. Yes. The dreaded J. O. B. I am such a hypocrite. I swore never to get one of those until after I was fully educated. Damn. I also need to do some laundry and clean my apartment so that it isn't totally filthy for a month while I'm gone. Why haven't I done this things already you ask? Well, I'm a procrastinator.

8. Wednesday I'm going to have to transport myself, my cat, and my dog back to Commerce. This is going to be tricky. It's a three hour drive. Last time I had to pull over twice because Leia got sick because someone who shall remain nameless fed her before the drive. Mom. I just know the two of them are going to drive me batshit crazy and not let me enjoy the soothing sounds of Patsy Cline like I want to. Oh well, it has to be done.

And then I will be home free. HOME FREE. I can't wait to do nothing for a month. Actually, I'll be doing many things. Like watching all of the movies and tv shows I have lined up. Also, there are several books and graphic novels in a stack by my bed just waiting to be read. Then there's Rachael's bday party and The Nutcracker and Disney World and HARRY POTTER LAND and NEW YORK CITY.

"Because I looked around and realized I didn't want anyone's life."

In the past week I have seen five movies at the theatre. Tangled (again), Love & Other Drugs, The Warrior's Way, Burlesque, and 127 Hours. This weekend I will watch both Narnia and The Tourist and Black Swan ASAP. I have an addiction. I realize this.

-Tangled (A-), WAY better than the Princess and the Frog. Not better than WallE. Still, I loved the story and the music and the old school Disney of it all.
-Love & Other Drugs (C), Anne and Jake are pretty and incredibly fun to watch together. However, I'm still not sure what the movie was trying to tell me. It seemed like it was going in a new direction and then we ended up like every other RomCom.
-The Warrior's Way (C), Ninjas. Cowboys. Carnival Folk. I don't know what it all means. I do love Geoffrey Rush anytime he's onscreen. I also love cute Asian babies and Kate Bosworth's two different eyes. What I don't love is bad movies.
-Burlesque (B+), I'm ashamed that I loved this movie. It was cliche and kinda cheesy. Sooooooo predictable. I rolled my eyes several times. But the cast and the camp just got me and yes, I did download the soundtrack.
-127 Hours (A+), James Franco (A++), he would have my vote for Best Actor if I got a vote. Everyone needs to see this movie. It was one of those that made me feel different as I was walking out of the theatre. And I'm still thinking about it days later.

I am running low on M&Ms and Ginger Ale. My contacts are sticking to my eyeballs. My room is a disaster area. My kitchen is empty. It is cold.

I think I'll study for my exams now.

1 comment:

  1. This was a good read! I'm glad I was mentioned, even though I was made a fool out wretched woman. lol
