Monday, October 4, 2010

9:00 am is lame

It's getting just a bit exhausting, driving back and forth. I woke up this lovely Monday morning at 7:30 here in Commerce in order to start my day. It's now 8:30 and I've had two cups of coffee already. This does not bode well. Coffee makes me jittery around lunch. Being jittery makes me restless and restlessness isn't really the coolest emotion.

I have an iPhone 4. It is possibly the greatest thing I've ever owned. I love it. My parents are awesome parents for letting me have my bday present early. Speaking of, my 20th birthday is next Monday. How odd. I find that I'm not in the least bit excited. I would be more excited if I was 22 because then I'd be inches away from graduating the financial extortion that is college. The only thing I envy about Mark Zuckerburg is that he didn't have to finish. Asshole.

I watched Fired Up! and Disturbia yesterday. I think it's a little weird now because Sarah Roemer is in both. She's also in The Event that comes on tonight. Which I won't be watching because it shares a time slot with Gossip Girl which doesn't go online until the end of the week, and frankly I just don't have that kind of time. I think I might be the only person I know who would rather stay in every single day of the week so as not to miss my shows. It truly is exhausting having to spend the weekend catching up via Hulu. Which is what I did this weekend. It's strange. I remembered to watch every show yet I forgot to take my quiz last night. Thank God Sociology profs are so lenient and give you do-overs. Life needs more do-overs.

Another thing that might possibly be weird about me is that I love to watch a movie by myself. At the theatre. Which I will no doubt be doing Tuesday evening after Glee because that's Stimulus Tuesday at Carmike and I want to support the economy. Perfect! Let Me In starts at 10:00. Yay! Is this weird? I don't care.

I'm beginning to feel at least some sort of...contentedness? with college. I finally picked the major I'm actually going to stick with: English. Now I'm like those cool English majors from all those movies who are always self-righteous, stubborn, and single. You know, like Rachel Leigh Cook in She's All That. All I really need to do is take of my glasses and straighten my hair and Freddie Prinze will surely fall for me. Thank you 90's teen movies for ruining my life's expectations.

In other news: my family reunion was cancelled due to a death in the family and apparently I don't have to go to my other side's Thanksgiving this year. Which means: Harry. Potter. World. That's right. Plus, I think another trip to Disney is in order. It's been like...two years. I wonder what wand I'll get...PLUS, NYC ROAD TRIP 2010/2011 is basically 45% complete with planning stages. We've really go to finish planning and start working on mix CDs.

Thank Allah that it is Fall. At home, it's the best weather. At school, it's hot. I want to come home for the holidays. And, it's good movie season. I haven't seen a bad movie in weeks. Complaints: Never Let Me Go and Catfish remain unattainable. Don't let me down, Cine.

I'm going to post a blog later this week about the latest movies I've seen. On the big screen, not in my apartment. That would take too long and be redundant. I'm going to The Whigs concert this Friday. I know nothing about them and have heard one song. However, Courtney and Mason like them so I feel relatively confident that I'll have a blast. Even sober. I also have already planned my Halloween costume and I guarantee that it will be way cooler than whatever hooker costume the majority of America has planned. Pop culture > Playboy bunny, kitty cat, slut.


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