Sunday, October 31, 2010


In some traditions, Halloween is said to mark the end of the lighter half of the year and the beginning of the darker half of the year. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. I kind of think the last part of the year is way better than most of the other months.

The Ancient Celts believed that the barrier between this world and the next is particularly thin on this day allowing spirits to pass through. Sometimes these spirits are happy spirits like Casper. Other times these spirits are super scary like the one in Angie's house.

The souling practice of commemorating the souls in purgatory with candle lanterns carved from turnips, became adapted into the making of jack-o'-lanterns. So pumpkin carving is all about preserving creepy souls in purgatory. Weird.

Halloween imagery includes themes of death, evil, the occult, magic, or mythical monsters. Traditional characters include ghosts, witches, skeletons, vampires, werewolves, demons, bats, spiders, and black cats. Black and orange are the traditional Halloween colors and represent the darkness of night and the color of bonfires, autumn leaves, and jack-o'-lanterns.

"What sets Halloween costumes apart from costumes for other celebrations or days of dressing up is that they are often designed to imitate supernatural and scary beings. Costumes are traditionally those of monsters such as vampires, ghosts, skeletons, witches, and devils, or in more recent years such science fiction-inspired characters as aliens and superheroes. There are also costumes of pop culture figures like presidents, athletes, celebrities, or film, television, and cartoon characters. Another popular trend is for women (and in some cases, men) to wear sexy or revealing costumes."-Wikipedia, AKA: women like to dress like whores. Thanks for your discretion, Wikipedia. Being Juno was super fun except when people thought I was really pregnant and looked at me with disapproval. Tehe.

Unmarried women were told that if they sat in a darkened room and gazed into a mirror on Halloween night, the face of their future husband would appear in the mirror. However, if they were destined to die before marriage, a skull would appear. I'm trying this tonight and I'll let you know what happens. Hopefully Jake Gyllenhal will forget about T. Swift and realize he loves me.

Foods I Ate In Honor Of Halloween: M&M's, Nerds, Pixie Sticks, Hershey's, Dum Dums, Cupcakes, Apple Pie, Caramel Apples, Pumpkin Pie.

Movies I Watched In Honor Of Halloween: Scream, Scream 2, Scream 3, the preview for Scream 4 like 7 times, I Know What You Did Last Summer, Red Eye, Sleepy Hollow, The Crazies, Freddy vs. Jason, 28 Days Later, Halloweentown, Halloweentown 2: Kalabar's Revenge, Halloween, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Hocus Pocus, etc.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

that's me in the corner

I need to change something. I feel like I say that all the time. I also feel like I go through periods of time where I experience this intense need to change something about my life. Sometimes it expresses itself as a change of hair color or maybe a brief wardrobe change. Sometimes I change the kind of music I listen to or the kind of movies I'm in to or my favorite TV show. Sometimes I decide that I will start eating different foods or drinking different drinks. Sometimes I decide to delete certain things: people, places, thoughts, feelings. I'm good at deleting.

I'm not sure if it is a totally normal thing, this need for change. I don't see other people making changes that often. Maybe every now and again. Most of the time people just SAY they want to be more interesting or they want to get in shape or they want to stop acting like a dumbass. Hardly anyone actually ever does what they say they're going to do. It's disappointing. If everyone did half the things they really wanted to do people would be more interesting. They'd also probably be happier.

I recently got awarded this grant for $16,000. That is a lot of money. To me. Seriously like two months ago I was in a total state of dispair at how much money I didn't have and now the thought that I have all this money scares me. I can afford to do the things I really want to do. I can go to NYC this New Years and totally afford it. I can study abroad wherever I want. Hell, I can fly to fucking Amsterdam.

When I graduate stupid college, I'm going to sell my car and all the shit I have that I don't need (except my books, DVDs, and interesting things, and laptop, and iphone) and I'm going to move somewhere terrifying. And buy a motorcycle. Because why in the world wouldn't I? I'm not getting married any time soon. Contrary to popular belief, one does not have to be married with a mortgage and baby by 25. I don't even understand how people have fully decided who they are by the time they're 25 much less decided that they'll be that same person forever and ever amen.

It's not healthy.

In other news: I love Colton. Thank you for today. I had a great time in ATL. It made me wish that you and I had a trendy flat in the city with super cool things and super cool clothes. Everyone should go watch The Cove right now. It's horrifyingly amazing. I'm never eating seafood again, I swear. Yes, I'm serious Callie. Good thing we had that delicious meal at the Red Lobster recently because that's the last marine life I'll be tasting ever. Speaking of, just being around you and Courtney and Jamie and Anna-Marie was the best time we've had together in a long time. I like it best when we're just existing in the same place. Sometimes you can't plan the best days. They just happen. The Whigs was one of those happy happy concerts that you leave feeling a million times better about life. Music can do that to you. It's like everyone there is united in one thing and everything just sort of gets simple. It doesn't matter that the drunk sixteen year olds that snuck in are getting it on in front of you. You're just at peace with it all. I also love Mason and the other Colton. They are fun and much cooler than most people.

"Everybody Hurts"-R.E.M.
"Wild is the Wind"-Nina Simone
"Fuck You"-Cee Lo Green
"Come Home"-One Republic & Sara Bareilles
"Raise Your Glass"-Pink
"Until the Stars Fall from the Sky"-Mark Hoppus & Richard Gibbs
"I Can Feel a Hot One"-Manchester Orchestra
"2012"-Jay Sean & Nicki Minaj
"Ashes & Wine"-A Fine Frenzy
"This Ship Was Built to Last"-The Duke Spirit
"The Ice is Getting Thinner"-Death Cab for Cutie
"The Difference Between Us"-The Dead Weather
"40 Dogs"-Bob Schneider
"Beat the Devil's Tattoo"-Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
"Lies"-The Black Keys
"Come Back When You Can"-Barcelona
"Sometime Around Midnight"-The Airborne Toxic Event

Monday, October 4, 2010

9:00 am is lame

It's getting just a bit exhausting, driving back and forth. I woke up this lovely Monday morning at 7:30 here in Commerce in order to start my day. It's now 8:30 and I've had two cups of coffee already. This does not bode well. Coffee makes me jittery around lunch. Being jittery makes me restless and restlessness isn't really the coolest emotion.

I have an iPhone 4. It is possibly the greatest thing I've ever owned. I love it. My parents are awesome parents for letting me have my bday present early. Speaking of, my 20th birthday is next Monday. How odd. I find that I'm not in the least bit excited. I would be more excited if I was 22 because then I'd be inches away from graduating the financial extortion that is college. The only thing I envy about Mark Zuckerburg is that he didn't have to finish. Asshole.

I watched Fired Up! and Disturbia yesterday. I think it's a little weird now because Sarah Roemer is in both. She's also in The Event that comes on tonight. Which I won't be watching because it shares a time slot with Gossip Girl which doesn't go online until the end of the week, and frankly I just don't have that kind of time. I think I might be the only person I know who would rather stay in every single day of the week so as not to miss my shows. It truly is exhausting having to spend the weekend catching up via Hulu. Which is what I did this weekend. It's strange. I remembered to watch every show yet I forgot to take my quiz last night. Thank God Sociology profs are so lenient and give you do-overs. Life needs more do-overs.

Another thing that might possibly be weird about me is that I love to watch a movie by myself. At the theatre. Which I will no doubt be doing Tuesday evening after Glee because that's Stimulus Tuesday at Carmike and I want to support the economy. Perfect! Let Me In starts at 10:00. Yay! Is this weird? I don't care.

I'm beginning to feel at least some sort of...contentedness? with college. I finally picked the major I'm actually going to stick with: English. Now I'm like those cool English majors from all those movies who are always self-righteous, stubborn, and single. You know, like Rachel Leigh Cook in She's All That. All I really need to do is take of my glasses and straighten my hair and Freddie Prinze will surely fall for me. Thank you 90's teen movies for ruining my life's expectations.

In other news: my family reunion was cancelled due to a death in the family and apparently I don't have to go to my other side's Thanksgiving this year. Which means: Harry. Potter. World. That's right. Plus, I think another trip to Disney is in order. It's been like...two years. I wonder what wand I'll get...PLUS, NYC ROAD TRIP 2010/2011 is basically 45% complete with planning stages. We've really go to finish planning and start working on mix CDs.

Thank Allah that it is Fall. At home, it's the best weather. At school, it's hot. I want to come home for the holidays. And, it's good movie season. I haven't seen a bad movie in weeks. Complaints: Never Let Me Go and Catfish remain unattainable. Don't let me down, Cine.

I'm going to post a blog later this week about the latest movies I've seen. On the big screen, not in my apartment. That would take too long and be redundant. I'm going to The Whigs concert this Friday. I know nothing about them and have heard one song. However, Courtney and Mason like them so I feel relatively confident that I'll have a blast. Even sober. I also have already planned my Halloween costume and I guarantee that it will be way cooler than whatever hooker costume the majority of America has planned. Pop culture > Playboy bunny, kitty cat, slut.