Thursday, September 2, 2010

Does America Have A Problem?

So...I just read something very unsettling on Facebook. This person (who shall remain nameless) has recently stated their opinion of the whole mosque right on top of ground zero nonsense. They are, of course, entitled to their own opinion. However, when such opinions are not based on fact or maybe on a little of information, I think it's our duty as intelligent people to inform others. I didn't feel like having an irrational bitch-fight on Facebook at the present so I'll just make myself clear here (to the few of you who actually give a rat's tush what I think.)

First, let's recap:

PERSON 1: "Just got don't reading a article in TIME about Islamophobia. I think its ridiculous! In my opinion the Muslim faith needs to suck it up! I guess they now understand how Christians feel. I just think its pathetic that they want to build a Mosque around ground zero and that they are trying to receive sympathy..."

PERSON 2: "So you are saying that all Muslims are radical Muslims?? In that case all of us Christians are the crazy snake handling, tongue talking, poison drinking Christians."

PERSON 1: "haha i know that there are crazy christians out there, im sure there are some protesting right now blessing muslims out. My main point is that they are getting what they asked for, America was founded and based using the christian faith. Im... sure if we went over there and tried to build a baptist church they would NUT up on us. I just thinks its a little sketchy that we have people fighting a war against those people right now, some say that its a different belief, but I just think that we are fighting a war against them and they are wanting to build a Mosque on OUR turf where THEIR people bombed the WWC? thats just wrong"


First of all let me just say: I don't think this person is a total and complete idiot. Maybe someone just doesn't get out much or is (probably) brainwashed. That's not their fault. You know on that same note, murderers aren't born murderers either. Secondly, let's just go ahead and agree that I do not hate soldiers or America. I think soldiers are great and I LOVE a man in uniform. As for America, well I think she's pretty okay most of the time and I live here, so yeah. AND, I've totally seen the Statue of Liberty and I know all the words to the Pledge of Allegiance and the National Anthem.

Glad that's out of the way. For those of you who haven't read the article in TIME magazine about the "imaginary" Islamaphobia that America suffers from, here's the link: Does America Have a Muslim Problem?

On to business. So, the "Muslim faith just needs to suck it up," huh? What exactly do they need to suck up? Am I supposed to believe that in America, the beautiful--the radiant, we want an entire group of people to just be okay with having their rights as CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES infringed upon? They want to open a mosque people not a fucking nuclear training facility. In the article, somebody actually asked these people if they would have weapons in the mosque. Weapons. In their place of worship. Do you have an AK47 underneath your chair in Sunday School? No, you don't. Guess what, people. NOT ALL MUSLIMS ARE RADICAL REVOLUTIONARY AMERICA HATING CRIMINALS. I know it may come as a shock. Try to breathe.

I know what happened on September 11 nine years ago. I could give you a play by play of the entire day. Three of my uncles and my grandfather have all been in either the Marine Corps or the Navy. I'm totally pro-America. And I think the entire world is in agreement on the fact that 9/11/01 was tragic day. In case anyone forgot, 19 members of al-Qaeda hijacked those planes. Nineteen. Not the whole Muslim population of the world. In case you're wondering, there are about 2.4 billion Muslims around the world. And 19 of those 2.4 billion did a horrible thing. And yet we condemn the entire religion based on the actions of a few? Sure, there were more members of al-Qaeda and Osama and Saddam are real assholes but I hardly think the total amount of radical Muslims comes close to the total amount of Muslims on earth.

Also, let us think for a second about other atrocities committed by...OTHER religions. You know, violent religions like Islam.

Islamic Jihads: Jihad means holy war, meaning they kill in the name of god. Millions have died over 12 centuries, most of the very same religion.

Salem Witch Trials:Remember The Crucible? Totally true. Over 150 people were arrested and imprisoned, five of the accused died in prison, 29 people were convicted of "the capital felony of witchcraft", while a total of 19 people (14 women and 5 men) were hanged. One man was crushed to death because he refused to enter a plea. All in the name of the Puritan faith. You know, Christianity.

Spanish Inquisition:Ah, Ferdinand & Isabella. Those magnificent monarchs of Spain that decided to give old Columbus a chance, thus leading to the founding of this very country. What excellent people. Estimates of the death toll suspect between 3,000 and 5,000 executions of basically anyone who wasn't Catholic. Oh yeah, and the Pope signed the order.

Crusades:These were wars to restore Christian control in the Holy Land (AKA: The Middle East) that lasted over 200 years. Basically, Christians were pissed that various other religions occupied the Holy Land and they wanted it back. They fought: Muslims, Jews, Russian Orthodox Christians, Slavs, Mongols, Prussians, and anybody else who pissed off the Pope. Oh, and soldiers were given penance for past sins if they participate in these holy wars. Holy there another word for that?

Here's another interesting fact that I picked up from my copy of the Qur'an (found it at the Goodwill for a buck 25.): Translated from Arabic into English, Allah means God, Isa means Jesus, Yahya means John the Baptist, Nuh means Noah, and Yunus means Jonah. You mean to say that Islam believes in God and Jesus? Hell, they've even got Noah's Ark and Jonah and the whale! On the back of my copy it says: " Though its message is a continuation of that contained in the earlier Revelations made to Abraham, David, Moses, and Jesus, this message has a sense of fulfillment and originality that attracts Jews, Christians and Muslims alike. Indeed, the Qu'ran's miracle lies in its ability to offer at least something to nonbelievers and everything to believers." So...those who believe, great!, if you don't believe, also great! No trying to convert you immediately or threatening to kill you if you don't. Oh, and I scanned through the whole thing and nowhere did I find blueprints on how to murder babies or hijack an airplane. No worries.

I mean maybe we should count death tolls or something. How many deaths have Christians been responsible for? How many have Muslims been linked to? Twenty million people died in World War I and another ninety million died in World War II, 90% of those deaths can be attributed to countries who are predominately Christian. Perhaps it isn't totally fair to judge a religion as violent or not violent based on how many deaths that religion is responsible for, no?

Let's cut to the chase, though. This mosque thing is not about Islam and it isn't about Christianity. It's about pride. People are pissed and think every single Muslim is out to get them or something. On what grounds could anyone say no to the building of a community center, a religious one at that? These people are Americans. It isn't like a group of al-Qaeda terrorists moved to America and decided they should probably build a mosque a couple blocks from ground zero to piss off some people. No. These are American citizens who want to build a mosque in NYC so that people of their religion can come and pray. What is wrong with that? It is not disrespectful to the dead and it is not dangerous. You know, there were 2,669 Americans that died where the World Trade Center once stood. There were also 310 foreign nationals that died there. Over 100 of those foreign nationals were from a country where Islam was the predominant religion.

People are people. Black, White, Puerto Rican, Latino, Asian, Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Atheist, etc. We are all human beings. As such we will always destroy each other and we will always hate. Then again, we have compassion, and understanding, and love. As people we have the capacity for such great things if we could only get past preconceived notions and long-unimportant rivalries. Does it really matter what a person's religion is? Really? Does that tell you what kind of person they are? No. It's our actions that ultimately show our worth.


  1. The U.S. flew a plane to Hiroshima and Nagasaki and nuked them----the after-effects went on for GENERATIONS----if anyone has a valid reason to demonize all Amercians--it would be the Japanese---did they?----they took the high road instead.----so----are Americans going to be less?

  2. But all Muslims are towel wearing sinners! You know that Bekah! :) You also forgot to list the pansexuals!

  3. What the heck is a pansexual? Kids these days...
