Friday, August 13, 2010

"It's better to help people than garden gnomes."

I have a problem with the fact that it's still technically summer and yet I have to start school. I mean, I know I'm not the only one who doesn't dig showing up to class totally soaked in my own sweat. It's just not attractive. Especially when you live below the gnat line and the heat index is basically a million.

I was supposed to be in Statesboro and unpacked and settled like two days ago. Instead, I chilled in the 706 a bit too long and now I'm currently located in my dad's fiance's son's bed watching Grease 2 on the TV Guide Channel. I'm reminded of how shitty this movie is. Except for that song that goes: Re-pro-duction, reproduction! That was funny. Oh yeah, this is def Michelle Pheiffer (sp?). She's catwoman.

Speaking of movies, I recently made a list of the good movies that I've seen this year. By good movies, I mean movies without a recycled plot and that I would very much want to own on DVD. That list is very slim. I won't share just yet-that's for another day-but let's just say this time last year the list also wasn't that impressive. It's probably because all the good movies come out between October-December. Screw summer blockbusters.

Also, I like Julia Roberts but I'm really worried that Eat, Pray, Love is going to suck. Despite all that delicious mens, food, and locations. I just wish that she would be in something like Pretty Woman again.

My contacts are very dry right now. They hurt. I want to travel again. I'm so over my brief little stay at home over the summer. Actually, I'd like to get really settled in Statesboro for a bit and then go somewhere. I'm pretty much set on the idea of California for next summer. Yeah. I need to finish reading One Day. And then I need to re-read The Hunger Games and Catching Fire before the new book comes out in a week. (Yay!)

I have too many posters and yet I wish I had more. What if I majored in linguistics? I was watching one of my new favorite movies: Amelie (Seriously, top ten if not top five, ever) and I decided that I should learn French. But, I'm already learning Spanish already so why not learn both? And why stop there? But alas, the inevitable question: "What will you do with that?"

Well, I don't know.

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