Sunday, January 24, 2010

Blah Blah Blah

It's one a.m. again. And I'm up as per usual. What exactly is wrong with a person who can't sleep on a day when she tried desperately to take a nap all day? I pretty much laid awake all night last night on the floor, frozen. And now, I've got a perfectly decent bed in my not-room at my mother's house and just cannot get to sleep. Oh, well.

In my busy night not sleeping, I did manage to accomplish quite a few things. Well, first of all, me and Cal and Taylor were gonna roll out to school this evening but that kinda went down the drain because it was basically flooding in all of Georgia. And there were tornadoes too. So, yeah. Now I'm at my mom's house. Like one of those people who's 30 and still living at home.

First, I watched iSaved Your Life, which is an episode of iCarly in case you're dumb. It was awesome. Freddy is so cute. And Sam and Carly are so funny. I wish I was friends with them sometimes. They wouldn't bitch about listening to my Lost theories.

Then, regretably, me and Rach decided to watch Jersey Shore and make fun of those people. How can they all be so stupid? I don't understand.

Who decided to put Camp Rock and the NFC Championship on at the exact same time? That was a hard choice, let me tell you. And the Vikings didn't even win! Wtf? I mean, I like Reggie Bush just as much as any Kardashian, but my man Brett Favre has been super fly since like, 1991. And that's the truth. Believe it or not, my good pal Wikipedia told me that Favre started out at the ATL Falcons but some dumbass traded him cause he would "never amount to anything." Yeah. Bet that guy is kicking himself.

We rounded out the night with a lovely episode of Legend of the Seeker we had saved to the DVR. What an excellent show. So good. Syndication is where its at, people.

Also, Sunshine Cleaning is a good movie. Most people probably wouldn't like it, but I thought it was sweet in a weird way. Could just be a symptom of having awesome actresses like Amy Adams and Emily Blunt in the same film as a really cute kid, but still. Good movie. And on instant play on Netflix.

I'm gonna have to make sure to get a job eventually so I don't end up like one of those people who dies alone in her home with only her cat to miss her. Mommy loves you, Leia.

EIGHT DAYS UNTIL LOST! Someone help me!

("Blah Blah Blah" by Ke$sha. Yeah. I went there. Next time will have better music. Swear.)

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