Wednesday, December 16, 2009

And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going

I think I'm an insomniac. I can't sleep. Even when I stay up until four, I never get a good nights rest. Also, I'm fairly certain my dreams are trying to tell me something.

I keep having the dream where my teeth fall out. It's weird because its been constant for the last couple of weeks. Every single night I dream that for some reason my teeth are falling out. So, like a real human being I decided to consult Google. So, Google tells me that this dream can mean subconsious issues in an number of areas but most likely my dreams are telling me that I feel powerless. The teeth, you see, are a symbol of power in many cultures because they are the instruments by which animals get food, fight off attackers, etc. Since my teeth are falling out, it symbolizes a sense of powerlessness. Apparently, I am frustrated by a lack of authority or worth. Which is ridiculous because I'm a confident individual. Most of the time I am assert myself as the person in power of a situation because, as I've been told, I have a very dominant personality.

This, of course, lead me to the obvious conclusion that I should take a personality profile on the internet. Apparently I have a "Conscientous" personality. Which means I'm hard working, with strong opinions and beliefs, who believes in the proper order of things and that everything must be done correctly. I'm organized and very detailed. I have a practical, no-nonsense view of the world and very rarely let my emotions show. However, despite the fact that my emotions are hard to read, I'm an incredibly emotional person on the inside but don't like people to know that fact. I am careful and cautious in many aspects of my life including both socially and romantically. I also don't like to throw anything away. Or so this so-called "personality test" says. Personally, I don't think these things are very accurate.

In other news, I think watching so much Bones is making me want to become an anthropologist. Not that I hadn't thought about the idea more than once of course. The idea of studying humans in various cultures and times fascinates me. I just don't think its very practical. Although, that travelling would be fantastic. But alas, no decisions for me until the new year.

Speaking of which, I need to find a nice man to take advantage of on New Years Eve. If anyone knows any takers, I'm open to suggestions. I refuse to ring in 2010 like I did 2009. I'm going to have a nice evening. And I'm going to get my mack on. Holy shit, I sound like a rapist. Which brings me to a very important lesson, kids. Do not drink things out of stranger's flasks. It isn't a good plan.

"You pay a great deal too dear for what's given freely". - The Winter's Tale (Act I, Scene I).

(Note: "And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going" covered by Glee cast)

1 comment:

  1. The Personality Test hit the nail on the head. Just sayin ;)
