Saturday, May 21, 2011


I haven't actually written a post on Blogspot since the beginning of this year. And here we are at the beginning of summer. Jeez. I'm going to go ahead and blame it all on Tumblr and how addictive it is. It's more of a blogging blog, though, if you know what I mean. It's more social. Whereas Blogspot is more of a semi-truthful diary that no one ever reads.

However, it was brought to my attention this weekend that I have at least one loyal reader (shout out to little Drea! who apparently isn't little anymore) so I've decided to devote at least some time in my hugely hectic life to this here blog. At least then I'll get some use out of it besides checking to see if my favorite movie blogger has reviewed any of the new releases (this guy doesn't have a Tumblr, can you believe it?)

So. Here we are. I feel like I used to be a lot more whiney than I am now because that's primarily what I used Blogspot for. That, and hurling thinly veiled insults at people. Wow, I was mature.

Speaking of mature, CHS's graduating class of 2011 made me feel entirely too old. Time really does fly when you're older, I suppose. The 2012 graduates will be the last grads that I went to school with. Wow. Then in 2013 my little sister will graduate high school and I will graduate college and it will officially be the end of the world as I know it. Shiiiittt.

As for now, I'm heading back to Statesboro...later today actually on this lovely May 22. I'll need to pack my stuff up including my adorable cat, finish updating my iTunes, and buy a replacement car adapter for the one I have somehow managed to break. I'd say this has been a pretty productive week off. I got caught up on all my TV shows and watched the finales of Gossip Girl, Chuck, Castle, Bones, Smallville, and The Vampire Diaries. I slept a lot. I partied a good amount. Got all the shenanigans out of my system so that I can buckle down and make to A's over the summer so that I don't lose HOPE and spiral into debt. Watched a couple good movies, caught up with good friends.

I'm going to attempt to stay in Statesboro the whole month I have classes. Except I am going to Pensacola, FL for Memorial Day weekend. That should be...well, fun maybe. Then I'm making a point to go to Tybee every weekend since it's only 45 minutes away and I need a tan. Cracking down on the whole education thing is going to be stressful and I'm going to need mine vacations. Plus, I'm actually going to work out since the RAC won't be overcrowded anymore. Yay. Then it's back to Commerce at the end of June. Phew, I can't wait to be back home already. I enjoy being lazy.

July is going to be the best month. I'm being lazy until the 16 when I'm going to the beach. Then, prepping for the most awesome road trip ever (see for more details) that begins on July 28 and last until we return. I'm going to video and document all the happenings on various outlets of social media and a handy dandy notebook that I will fashion into a best selling novel, catapulting me into a life of fortune and fame. And then Elton John will show up and play us all a tune.

(Note: "Apologies" by Grace Potter and the Nocturnals)

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