Saturday, May 21, 2011


I haven't actually written a post on Blogspot since the beginning of this year. And here we are at the beginning of summer. Jeez. I'm going to go ahead and blame it all on Tumblr and how addictive it is. It's more of a blogging blog, though, if you know what I mean. It's more social. Whereas Blogspot is more of a semi-truthful diary that no one ever reads.

However, it was brought to my attention this weekend that I have at least one loyal reader (shout out to little Drea! who apparently isn't little anymore) so I've decided to devote at least some time in my hugely hectic life to this here blog. At least then I'll get some use out of it besides checking to see if my favorite movie blogger has reviewed any of the new releases (this guy doesn't have a Tumblr, can you believe it?)

So. Here we are. I feel like I used to be a lot more whiney than I am now because that's primarily what I used Blogspot for. That, and hurling thinly veiled insults at people. Wow, I was mature.

Speaking of mature, CHS's graduating class of 2011 made me feel entirely too old. Time really does fly when you're older, I suppose. The 2012 graduates will be the last grads that I went to school with. Wow. Then in 2013 my little sister will graduate high school and I will graduate college and it will officially be the end of the world as I know it. Shiiiittt.

As for now, I'm heading back to Statesboro...later today actually on this lovely May 22. I'll need to pack my stuff up including my adorable cat, finish updating my iTunes, and buy a replacement car adapter for the one I have somehow managed to break. I'd say this has been a pretty productive week off. I got caught up on all my TV shows and watched the finales of Gossip Girl, Chuck, Castle, Bones, Smallville, and The Vampire Diaries. I slept a lot. I partied a good amount. Got all the shenanigans out of my system so that I can buckle down and make to A's over the summer so that I don't lose HOPE and spiral into debt. Watched a couple good movies, caught up with good friends.

I'm going to attempt to stay in Statesboro the whole month I have classes. Except I am going to Pensacola, FL for Memorial Day weekend. That should be...well, fun maybe. Then I'm making a point to go to Tybee every weekend since it's only 45 minutes away and I need a tan. Cracking down on the whole education thing is going to be stressful and I'm going to need mine vacations. Plus, I'm actually going to work out since the RAC won't be overcrowded anymore. Yay. Then it's back to Commerce at the end of June. Phew, I can't wait to be back home already. I enjoy being lazy.

July is going to be the best month. I'm being lazy until the 16 when I'm going to the beach. Then, prepping for the most awesome road trip ever (see for more details) that begins on July 28 and last until we return. I'm going to video and document all the happenings on various outlets of social media and a handy dandy notebook that I will fashion into a best selling novel, catapulting me into a life of fortune and fame. And then Elton John will show up and play us all a tune.

(Note: "Apologies" by Grace Potter and the Nocturnals)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I've been meaning to post a blog about the best movies of last year for ages but I've been neglecting the whole "blogging" thing. Now that school has started back I imagine I'll have more time to actually post things since Blogger is my go-to procrastination machine. Thank you, Google.

Unfortunately, people like me don't get to vote for any worthwhile awards show. (No, the People's Choice doesn't count.) So, I'm going to start a new tradition of naming what I thought was the best. Because I think it will be cool.


10. BLUE VALENTINE/NEVER LET ME GO -- I haven't seen either of these movies. Not seeing Never Let Me Go is probably my biggest regret right now because I'm positive that I'll love it. Blue Valentine hasn't been in a single theatre near me and it's truly frustrating the shit out of me. Apparently it's the same idea as Revolutionary Road but more heartbreaking. Which sounds amazing. So, #10 is dedicated to two movies which have the potential to shake up my somewhat iron-clad Top Nine.

9. TOY STORY 3 -- I wasn't really crazy about the first two Toy Story movies. Actually, the first one really creeped me out as a kid. But man, did the third one make me cry. Truly, the only reason I can think of is that the plot was relevant to my life more so than the other two. Andy went off to college and forgot about his childhood. And isn't that something that happens to all of us? We grow up and forget about the days when we could entertain ourselves with toys and imagination. There's something very human about longing for those days and knowing you can never have them again. Plus, Spanish Buzz is hilarious.

8. HARRY POTTER & THE DEATHLY HALLOWS PT. 1 -- Okay, maybe it's just because I'm a total Harry Potter freak. Maybe it's because I longed for this movie to come out since 2007. Maybe it's because of the wealth of Harry/Hermione scenes. Whatever the reason, I really really enjoyed this one. And this is coming from the mouth of a purist who is still REALLY pissed they put Padma and Parvati in the same house. Which is incorrect. Nevertheless, HP7 part one might be my favorite Potter movie to date. It has such a different feel than the rest of the movies. I don't know what it is. It's kinda like a road-trip-to-our-doom full of mystery, jealousy, and heart that builds the tension for the ultimate Harry/Voldemort confrontation so well that I just couldn't accept the fact that I have to wait months to see the other half.

7. THE KIDS ARE ALL RIGHT -- If you haven't seen this movie, you really should. It's funny, it's moving, it's socially relevant, the cast is amazing. This movie has so much to offer it's hard to pick just one thing that stands out. This lesbian couple shows us a family and a romance more believable than any rom-com from recent years and, at the same time allows us to see the difficulties of staying in love that everyone experiences.

6. INCEPTION -- Before the fall happened, this movie was a lot higher up on my list. It's something totally original. Almost as if it came out of nowhere. This is what a summer blockbuster should be. It has awesome visual effects, plenty of action, and *gasp!* a plot! And good acting! It's incredible. The whole thing kind of speeds along and you have to pay close attention to details. It reminded me of a really good episode of Lost plus Leonardo Dicaprio. And that ending? Man.

5. EASY A -- I think people were right when they predicted that this would be the next Mean Girls. Let's face it, we'll all be quoting this movie for years to come and watching it over and over again until it becomes a reliable movie for any gathering. Definitely the funniest movie I saw all year, hands down. And Emma Stone was awesome in it.

4. 127 HOURS -- This was one of those movies that you see and you feel different afterwards. Like something happened to you while you were in the theatre and now all of a sudden you're different. I remember everything about this movie-going experience. It was at the AMC Theatre in Discover Mills with Colton. We played at Dave & Buster's beforehand. I had popcorn and a Cherry Coke. And when James Franco cut his arm off, I think I had a panic attack. Afterwards, Colton and I drank whiskey.

3. TRUE GRIT -- I don't think I've ever seen a Western that I enjoyed more than this. It's a tale of revenge and determination and grit. It made me want to know what exactly drives a person to pursue such a goal no matter what the cost. Is it pride? Is it love? Or is it something else that we can't fully explain? Jeff Bridges and Matt Damon are a fantastic duo and really funny. But Hailee Steinfeld stole the show for me. For a 12 year old to be that amazing in her first film is ridiculous. She deserves every nomination she gets.

2. THE SOCIAL NETWORK -- Probably the closest a film has gotten to defining our generation. This movie to me isn't about Mark Zuckerburg. This movie is about us and our increasing socialization and disconnectedness. The man built an multi-billion dollar institution around the idea that none of us can truly express ourselves or interact with one another. Who wants to actually make friends or keep friends when all you have to do is send a request? Social networking isn't making people more social, it's making us all less social. It explores human emotions in a way everyone can relate to and understand because EVERYONE HAS A FACEBOOK. It's a freaking global phenomenon. And who knew that watching a guy refreshing a website over and over again could be so heartbreaking?

1. BLACK SWAN -- Obviously. It quite literally took my breath away as cliche as that sounds. Natalie Portman's performance was the best of her career and the best all year. Mila Kunis surprised me with how good she was. And the story was something mind-blowing that no one could have predicted. It's crazy and ridiculous yet beautiful and human. I'd describe it as haunting and one of those movies that just sticks with you. Colton and I normally discuss movies in detail right there in the theatre but during this one we were oddly silent and totally blown away by the end. And if Natalie Portman doesn't get the Oscar, there's no justice in this world.

**Honorable Mention**
-The Fighter (*It's worth watching just to see how great the cast works together. And Amy Adams gets in a bitch fight. And Marky Mark is shirtless. And it's one of those sports movies that sends chills down your spine.)
-The Town (*Go Ben Affleck.)
-Tangled (*It's been far too long since we've had a really touching old school Disney Princess movie.)
-RED (*The best fun action/adventure movie this year. Awesome cast.)
-The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (Sweden)(*Noomi Rapace is the best thing to come out of Sweden since ABBA. And I'm highly doubtful the American version will live up to this movie.)
-Kick Ass (*Chloe Moretz was amazing and hilarious and really really kick ass.)
-Winter's Bone (*Jennifer Lawrence's performance is the sole reason to watch this movie. She's unbelievably good.)
-Alice in Wonderland (*I love the classic Alice tale and I really enjoyed the continuation of it. Plus, I love me some Tim Burton.)
-Tron:Legacy (*It was fun, it was reaaalllyyy pretty to look at, and it had Michael Sheen. Here's hoping Disney makes a sequel.)
-Burlesque (*I don't know why, but I really liked this movie. But seriously, Christina looks like Snooki now.)
-The Runaways (*Proof that Kristen Stewart is a fully capable actress when given the right material.)


-The Last Song --What a travesty. Miley Cyrus needs stick with her day job as Hannah Montana and stop trying to convince me she's an actress. The most entertainment I've ever gotten out of seeing that snaggle tooth is when her ass was smoking pot. I'm sorry, "salvia."
-Killers -- Katherine Heigl, please go back to Grey's Anatomy.
-When In Rome --I love Kristen Bell, but this was a stinker.
-The Bounty Hunter/The Switch -- Jennifer Aniston, please stop making movies.

**Note: You may be wondering, "where's Dear John?" Well, it was saved by the fact that Amanda Seyfried can act circles around little Miley.


1. LOVE AND OTHER DRUGS -- Early last year I had this as a potential Best Picture Nominee. It seemed so good on paper. Anne Hathaway and Jake Gyllenhaal are amazing together and have great chemistry. I just don't know what it's trying to tell me. Is this a family melodrama about the son who can't get it right? Is this a romantic comedy about friends with benefits? Is this about "living with, living with, not dying from disease!"? Halfway through it lost me and ended up like every other rom com: a "tense" chase scene and a cliche "you complete me" moment. Save it.
2. COUNTRY STRONG -- Gwyneth is convincing as an alcoholic star in the middle of a breakdown. Leighton Meester and Garrett Hedlund are adorable. All of the above are really good singers. But this movie just did not mesh well. It was laughable when it shouldn't have been and really kind of awkward. I'm still not sure if the bird was supposed to mean anything or not or why it was so hard for Tim McGraw to play a character so similar to his real life persona. The soundtrack was bitchin though.
3. RESIDENT EVIL: AFTERLIFE --I actually really like this one. The only reason it's a "letdown" is because I can't wait to see the next one now!

Stay tuned for....MOST ANTICIPATED MOVIES OF 2011....coming soon.