Friday, April 3, 2009

eternity was in our lips and eyes

At present, I am watching Slumdog Millionaire. This movie always has two huge affects on me:

1. I am very glad that I do not live like the slumdogs in India. Those people deserve so much more than sleeping in cardboard huts and washing their clothes in the sewer. The fact that there are people in this world who are still forced to live in such horrible conditions is disgusting. It's 2009. Why are there still people who live off of other people's trash?

2. Everyone should have something to live for. And personally, I think that there is still good in this world. And one day, I hope someone will love me as much as Jamal loves Latika. It is beautiful.

These thoughts lead me to the conclusion that people are stupid. Everyone is constantly complaining about meaningless nuisances when there is so many other things they could be doing. I mean shut up already. Stop complaining about the same crap all the time. Does it really matter? Will you really care in a few years? The answer is no. You won't care and it doesn't matter. The stupid little problems and the boring little complaints that everyone whines about every day don't matter. I bet that if everyone tried to find a REAL problem, they'd come up empty handed. Because for the most part, no one has anything to complain about and nothing is really that bad.

Nothing is ever as good or as bad as it seems.

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