Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Summer Thus Far

So, I'm at the beach. Which isn't a surprise because I don't think I've actually been home for longer than a week this whole summer. It almost feels like there hasn't been a summer at all.

I'm glad that I opted to take summer classes. I feel like I actually accomplished something worthwhile instead of sitting on my lazy ass. Plus, living with Taylor renewed my faith that men and women can coexist without killing each other. Texas was great because I really really love my aunt and uncle and I miss them when they aren't around. I'm also glad that we basically had a tour of Texas and I got to see it with people who I really enjoy. I decided that Courtney is a good traveller as long as she has Nyquil. Corny, I'm really glad you came. Also, I love Nanny. And Rachael and Ryan. I just wish those two would get along more. NYC was also fun but way more fast paced. I'm pretty sure I know exactly why it's the City that never sleeps bc I didn't either. Plus, I had to single handedly figure out how to work all the types of transportation so I get to chalk that up to life experience. I don't think I'll ever get tired of that city though. It's like a whole different world. One day, I hope I'm as savvy as those New Yorkers. Although, I will never ever like the Yankees. Ever.

My week home was a good one and a bad one. We had Colton's bday in the basement. Super fun. Except I was so busy being a mom all week that I had forgotten to eat anything since breakfast that day and well, let's just say all those Yager bombs were not a good idea. The night ended with me literally doing that thing that always happens in the movies. You know, hugging the toilet and puking my guts out and then laying there on the cool tile. I would also like to say: Colton, I love you so much. I truly don't know what I would do if I didn't have you in my life. And since I'm on the topic: Andrew, Chris, Mason, Trey, you boys are my favorite men ever. Andrew, if you don't take me to see the Phantom of the Opera I will kill you. We will have the best time ever. Chris, don't ever change. Sometimes we yell at you but it's only cause we know you love us even when we're all bitches. Mason, who else can I have a thirty minute conversation about Jango Fett with? You're one of a kind. And Trey, why aren't you around me more often? You always looks so happy to be around and you give the best hugs of anyone. I love you boys.

Alex's Bday partay with the girls made me really happy that I have such good girlfriends. I know I just sounded like some mom from the 90s, but really. Watching old movies and talking about boys and Cosmo while eating cake in our pajamas is truly the best therapy anyone could hope for. I'm so glad you assholes put up with me. Alex, please come around every day. You always seem to make the party that much better. The rest of you bitches can come too, I guess. Hey, where the hell is Jamie Dove? Why haven't I seen her in like three million years? As soon as we're all home again, I say another girl's night is in order.

I got in to another big brawl with my mom. I know everyone is tired of hearing about it so I'll keep this brief. Sometimes, she is so stupid and insecure that I wonder how she keeps up her act. I mean, to an outsider she's this super cool, self-sufficient, sometimes scary woman. But really all she is is a woman who is constantly unsure. I really hate to complain and I feel bad about it but I just need to say it, you know? I don't want to be the mom all the time. I won't you to actually plan something ahead of time and be prepared. I had to do everything in NYC. Whether it be studying maps and subway stations or leaving in the middle of the night to drive around New Jersey looking for breakfast for in the morning. And when I'm home all I do is carry the kids everywhere and wash the dishes and do laundry and make sure Rachael has sunscreen for softball practice and that Ryan has checked his blood sugar. I don't mind it because I've always done it. But sometimes it's just annoying that you go to work and come immediately home and lock yourself in your room all day. And you act like it's some burden for you to have to go to anyone's games or to get your freaking taxes done so I can fill out the mother fucking FAFSA again so maybe you won't have to give any effing money. Cause heaven forbid you have to spend money. I mean if it's such a big damn deal why are you taking us to NYC and talking about going to Disney/Harry Potter world this summer? And don't even get me started about Daddy and Tamra. Sometimes, I don't think I love my mom the way I should. I love her, there's no doubt. But I don't think it's the kind of love and respect a kid is supposed to have for their mom and that worries me. One of my biggest fears is that one day I'll be that kind of mother to my kids. Or that I'll be alone for the rest of my life because of the way my mom thinks about love and romance and happily ever after. But then, and I quote: "You have this fucked up little way of thinking, Bekah. You put everyone and every situation into these neat littel boxes in your head. Everything isn't like a book or like some romantic image you made up in your head. Sometimes people just fucking suck. So, fuck you." So maybe there's a chance for me after all.

I moved into my new apartment too. Which is a major step up. Whenever we were cleaning the old ones all the fleas from Kimbo's room bit me. I've literally got bites all over my ankles. I'll be more excited later but the whole event was a pain in my ass.

And now I'm at the beach. All I'm gonna do is eat good food and lay around and tan and sleep. I brought tons of books and Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Return of the King. Oh, and there's a movie theatre a couple blocks down. I WILL SEE INCEPTION. Here's hoping it blows my mind.

Oh, and here's a treat for you loyal followers: