Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Don't Fear The Reaper


Oh. My. Lanta. Last night's episode of LOST was basically the best thing that's ever happened to me. Just excellent. Somebody give Nestor Carbonell on Emmy for crying out loud. I mean, seriously up there with some of my personal faves.

It's officially the half-way point in the final season of one of the greatest shows on television. I think it's time for a brief summary.

First off, in the words of Jacob (that I so carefully recorded): "Think of this wine as what you keep calling hell. There are many other names for it too-- malevolence, evil, darkness-- and here it is, swirling around in the bottle, unable to get out. Because if it did, it would spread. THE CORK IS THIS ISLAND. And it's the only thing keeping the darkness where it belongs." So prettymuch, The Island exists to keep Smokey at bay. The Island also has to have a Jacob to make sure that little cork stays put. No Jacob=Smokey pops bottles like he won the championship game. Or a NASCAR race.

Also, it's kind of like having a happy little suburban town sitting directly on top of... A HELLMOUTH. Everyone, call Buffy. She'd be an excellent replacement for Jacob. Much better than most of his so-called "candidates." Just saying.

We also found out why our dear friends (and hated enemies) are present on The Island: "That man (Smokey/The Man in Black/Locke/The Devil?) that sent you to kill me, believes that everyone is corruptible because it's in their very nature to sin. I bring people here to prove him wrong and when they get here, their past doesn't matter. I want them to help themselves to know the difference between right and wrong without me having to tell them. It's all meaningless if I have to force them to do anything."

Just for the record, I totally called it after last season's finally. I'm pretty sure anyone that watches LOST with the ferocity that me, Rachael, Bailey, and sometimes Callie (when she isn't texting someone or reading a Nicholas Sparks novel) watch with totally got it as well. Hasn't the entire point of LOST been to show us these terribly flawed, sometimes unforgivably flawed, characters with a clean slate on The Island? And how, sometimes, they rise above their previous M.O. and become truly great, sometimes heroic, characters? See: Confidence Man Sawyer- Lafleur, Creepy Scary Ben-All I Want Is To Be Needed Ben, Scary Maybe-Untrustworthy Juliet- Sawyer Loving Juliet Who Sacrifices Herself, Criminal Kate- Helpful Tree Climbing Kate, Asshole Jin- Sexy Jin That Lets Sun Unbutton Her Shirt, the list goes on.

EPISODES OF SEASON SIX IN ORDER OF AWESOMENESS: #1 "Ab Aeterno", #2 "The Substitute", #3 "Dr. Linus", #4 "LAX", #5 "Lighthouse", #6 "Recon", #7 "Sundown", #8 "What Kate Does"

QUOTES I LOVE THIS SEASON: "You can let go now."-Rose (LAX), "I made her stay on this island because I didn't want to be alone. You can understand that right?"-Sawyer (What Kate Does), "I don't trust myself."-Jack (What Kate Does), "There are miracles, John. And the only thing I was ever waiting on was you."-Helen (The Substitute), "John Locke was... a believer. He was a man of faith. He was a much better man than I will ever be. And I'm very sorry I killed him."-Ben (The Substitute), "Sometimes, you can jump into a cab and tell someone what to do. Other times, you have to let them stare at the ocean for a while."-Jacob (Lighthouse), "What if I told you, you could have anything you ever wanted?" "I would tell you, the only thing I ever wanted died in my arms. And I'll never see it again." "What if you could?"-Smokey & Sayid (Sundown), "I was afraid I was going to lose everything that ever really mattered to me: my power. But the thing that really mattered was already gone."-Ben (Dr. Linus), "Because he's the only one who'll have me." "I'll have you."-Ben & Ilana (Dr. Linus), "We ain't taking the plane, Freckles. We're taking the sub." -Sawyer (Recon), and everything that anyone said in last night's episode. are they going to resolve Sideways World vs. Island World? How does Smokey plan on leaving the island? Who is going to be The Substitute? Is everyone going to die? Seriously, where is Desmond?

And I really would type the rest of my questions--I have a list, don't worry--but I should really put on some pants and go to class. Do these people not know that I must read all of Luke 4 and determine its significance to LOST??? Really, is Health that important???

Until we meet again.

(Note: "Don't Fear The Reaper" by Blue Oyster Cult. Funnily enough, I couldn't get it out of my head after last night. I think it should be Smokey's theme.)