Thursday, November 5, 2009


It's been a while since I posted a blog. It feels like too long. But lets be honest, between college and watching re-runs of my favorite shows, I'm swamped. Just totally busy. Not one free moment of my day. Speaking of, I recently rewatched the magical show that is LOST and also managed to get the most wonderful roomate in all the land to start watching. There's just something about another person experiencing something you love that's just awesome. I love it when people actually enjoy the wierd things I'm obsessed with. Callie also watched V for Vendetta! Which was really exciting because this time she actually attempted to watch it, and just like that she like it this time. I'm about to rev up that warm classic today seeing as how it just so happens to be Guy Fawkes Day. Which means it is time for my annual viewing of V for Vendetta. Yes.

In other, probably more important news, I woke up at 3:00am this morning to register for spring and summer classes. Let me tell you: it was unpleasant. Most of the classes I wanted to take are either unavailable or in an unacceptable timeslot like 8 in the morning or 6 at night. No thanks. Anyways, at present I'm signed up for only 12 hours and then 4 hours over the summer. Is that enough? I mean, I've got a pretty baller schedule with that, no classes on Friday, no early classes. I think I'm doing pretty good. And I'm still gonna do Chemistry Hell 101 over the summer even though I'm not sure about this whole nursing thing. Is it wishful thinking to want to be in the FBI or CIA? That would be BALLER. I'd get to carry a gun and a badge and whoop ass. Sounds much more interesting than taking blood and emptying pee bags. Just sayin.

Also, to anyone who doesn't already know (I'm guessing the majority of people that read this blog) , Battlestar Galactica is my new obsession. It is so good, guys. I know I've said it a billion times by now, but seriously. Check that shit out. The plot is centered around 12 colonies/planets named after the 12 signs of the zodiac (Caprica, Sagitarrion, Tauron, etc.) About 40 years ago, humans created machines called Cylons that, of course, eventually rebelled and left. They evolved and some now look like humans and they are supremely pissed off at the humans. So, they set about destroying all 12 colonies and only about 50,000 peeps survive and live on spaceships protected by the only military vessel left: the Battlestar Galactica. The human race keeps escaping the Cylons but the Cylons have a plan obviously and they're smarter because, hello, they're machines (or are they?). Theres a ton of awesome characters, love triangles, plot twists, betrayal, etc. and its all in space. Plus they say "frak" instead of the other "f" word which makes them very cool. Oh, and most of the people on the show are hot. Delicously hot. Seriously.

Anyways, at present my life consists of avoiding homework, trying not to fail Environmental Bio, watching BSG, and being depressed that the Yankees won the World Series for the 27th time. I mean they would since they can pay their players much more than any other team but whatever. Frak them. I'm going home tomorrow after I get through 3 tests and I'm gonna go to the Homecoming game, maybe go to MOG, eat some Inoko, probably piss off my mom at my outrageous Blockbuster rentals, and get a little R & R before next week. Cheers.
(Note: Cast of Battlestar Galactica in photo resembling the Last Supper. Can you say genius? Song "Uprising" by Muse because it reminds of me of BSG.)