Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Chew Me Up and Spit Me Out

College sucks. Don't ever go to college if you can help it. No seriously. People say this is supposed to be like the best time of our lives and shit but really, it sure as hell is not.

For one thing, I've got a shit ton of things to do all day everyday. Sure, I don't have to wake up at 7:00am anymore but I'm not done for the day by 3 either. Classes are actually hard- like seriously difficult. Not so much the material as the actual studying that has to go down. I pretty much study and make notecards all the freaking time. Then, there's the little tiny fact that professors only grade you like, once in a blue moon so you only have like 4 or 5 grades in a class. Which means, of course, that if you fuck up you pretty much stay fucked for a good long while. On top of that, I've got to pick some god forsaken major so that maybe I'll make money in the distant future. The only problem is, they don't offer majors in watching Star Wars. And obviously the only major worth anything to my mother is nursing. Which might be okay, it just seems a little too Meredith Grey, ya know? What the hell, I may as well stop resisting my destiny. Apparently I'm just like Mer in every aspect.

Not to mention the fact that I have to worry about credit hours, and can I drop this class? , and what will make me happy?, and money. God, I have to worry about money. Apparently, I'm putting too much money on The Card. So, now I'm gonna like walk errwhere. Seriously? Plus, I need to start working out hardcore for two reasons: 1) I hear it relieves stress, and 2) I don't want to be fat. I don't have softball anymore everyday of my life so I'm not in shape. That's another thing, intramural sports are a joke. I wish I was on a real fucking team with a real fucking coach making us do agilities all the time and sweating it out. God, I miss it. And the sad thing is, I'll never ever get it back. The only thing that slightly compares is watching sports on the TV. But, that only leads to more stress in my life because the Sox fucking lost to the goddamn piece of shit Yankees TWICE this past weekend.

So, at this juncture, I need to figure out who the hell my advisor is because apparently I need to be advised. I need to change my major to nursing and pretend like I enjoy ass loads of science (no math though!). And, I need to start saving money. Because, apparently I will never ever have money again because I'm going to be paying The Man the rest of my life because I just HAD to go and get a college education. Whatever happened to subsistence farming? I will gladly trade if I can keep cable. And internet. And the iPhone.

In closing, I give you these little words: nothing takes the past away like the future. Yes, that is the title of an episode of Wildfire. No, I don't give a shit.

(Note: "Chew Me Up and Spit Me Out" by Cobra Starship, featured on the Jennifer's Body soundtrack. If you haven't seen that movie, you lack a certain...je ne seis quoi (that's French for "I know not what" and I didn't learn that shit in college). If you have time to read this blog, you have time to go see this wonderful film.)